Interview Invitations at PSRS/Utumishi - January 2024

Interview Invitations at PSRS/Utumishi - January 2024
 Interview Invitations at PSRS/Utumishi - January 2024

Discover the list of candidates summoned for interviews at PSRS/Utumishi in January 2024. The Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) functions as an independent department under the government, exclusively dedicated to streamlining the employee recruitment process for the Public Service. Established by the Public Service Act No. 8 of 2002, as amended by Act No. 18 of 2007, section 29(1), PSRS plays a crucial role in ensuring a fair and efficient hiring process.

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Candidates selected for interviews are required to adhere to the following guidelines:

1. The interview details, including time and venue, are specified in the advertisement for each Cadre.

2. Every interviewee must wear a mask upon arrival at the interview venue.

To access the list of individuals called for interviews at PSRS/Utumishi in January 2024, simply tap/click on the link below.

View Interviewees for January 2024 (Latest Ones in Bold)


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